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End Of Season Award Ceremony 2023/24

End Of Season Award Ceremony 2023/24

Charlie Bell28 May - 15:04
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Find out the latest awards being handed out for this season!

On a day which had both sunshine and the FA Cup final, it was a perfect day to hold the trophy presentation.

We started things off with our Development side, and this is how it went…
Top Scorer: Jack Simpson
Managers Player: Louie Thomas
Players Player: Stanley Sandoval

Next up, it was the A-Team which had the same three awards…
Top Scorer: Brandon Bowerman
Managers Player: Marcos Vinicius Colle
Players Player: Marcos Vinicius Colle

Then it was time for the Reserves who added in a ‘Young Player’ award…
Top Scorer: Jordan Moore
Young Player: Charlie Cooke
Managers Player: Charlie Barnett
Players Player: Charlie Barnett

The final side was the Firsts, and this is how it went down…
Top Scorer: Ben Richards
Managers Player: Jack Smith
Players Player: Jack Smith
Young Player: Mekhai Bessasa-Grant
Supporters Player(s) Of The Season: Ben Richards & Jack Hopwood

To end things off, we finished with our ‘Clubman Of The Season’, which is an award based towards a Committee Member who has devoted their work to the club over the course of the season. This award was presented to Danny Burrows, superb work Danny.

Overall, a great day which ran perfectly. Thank you to everyone who came down to show your support!

Further reading